Implants for Drug Addiction in Turkey

Implants for drug addiction involve surgically inserting medication-delivery devices into the body to provide controlled release of anti-addiction drugs, aiding in the management of substance dependence.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Can I get these implants anywhere?
  • No, Food and Drug Administration body regulates the usage of these implants. Therefore, you can get these implants at a registered facility. However, remember that if a registered physician does not prescribe them, you cannot access them.
  • How comfortable are these implants?
  • Implants are typically a comfortable form of an overpowering addiction. As humans, there may be some possibility of forgetfulness, and the stress of swallowing pills can often be challenging. However, implants’ comfort will make you forget swallowing pills as these slow-releasing medications will take care of all that is needed regarding drug addiction.
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Explore the operation further

Implants for drug abuse provide an additional solution for people in the early stages of recovery.

There is significant progress in implants for drug treatment that requires implanting a rod-like medication into individuals struggling with addiction. These implants work on their brains and nervous system. Subsequently, scientists and medical personnel have worked tirelessly over the years to eradicate addiction. However, with these implants, the battle is almost over.

If you or someone you know is battling drug abuse, IMA is here to help. We're with you every step of the way on your journey towards recovery.

What are implants for drug addiction?

Firstly, consider implants as slow-releasing drugs that work over a long period. Implants are medications that doctors insert surgically into and underneath your skin. These implants will slowly release medications into your body over a long period. Most (not all) of these drugs are oil suspensions.

Furthermore, the truth about medications is that lipid drugs are readily absorbed and distributed in the body. That means that oily medicines have a higher chance of entering the body and spreading all over than drugs with aqueous characteristics. However, implants are generally inserted underneth the skin, especially the shoulders, and they block the effect and addictive tendencies of the drugs used by the addicts.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 81,230 deaths from overdose occurred in the United States in June 2019 and May 2020. Drug addiction is causing a lot of harm in our society. Subsequently, pharmacists and medical practitioners are coming up with solutions to this danger, including implants for drug addictions. These implants have advantages over oral medications and can be viable for up to 3-6 months.

You should know that these implants are new advancements from clinical pharmaceutical scientists. The FDA (Food and Disease Administration) recently approved some of these implants to be marketed and prescribed to patients. Some of these date back to the year 2016.

What are implants used for?

Implants have a way of negating the effect of the drugs addicts use. These implants have long-lasting effects on abstinence and can help you stay away from opioids for a long time.

Not only do they help you stay away, but they also reduce your cravings for alcohol, opioids, and other drugs. When these cravings reduce to the nearest minimum, withdrawal syndrome reduces, and the appetite for these drugs gradually decreases.

Sometimes, implants for drug also help people with relapses after rehabilitation. These implanted drugs have a long duration of action, so it takes time to rewire the nerve impulses connected to drugs like opiates.

Other types of opioids that you can get addicted to include;

  • Opium alkaloids: codeine, morphine, thebaine
  • Synthetic: tramadol, methadone
  • Semi-synthetic: Heroin, ethylmorphine, oxycodone, raw opium, etc.

How do implants for drug addiction work?

Opioids give a feeling of being “high” and also have a neural pathway in the brain that makes the user feel ecstatic and enthusiastic. This pathway is similar to how endorphins make us happy and how dopamine pumps us with energy and excitement and makes us feel good. These Opioids bind to receptors in the brain and produce these feelings.

However, your first use of opioids like fentanyl and heroin will open a pathway similar to endorphins and dopamine. Your continual usage of these opioids will strengthen your neural pathway. Furthermore, this will make your brain adapt and become dependent on using such opioids before you can be energized and excited.

The good news is that these implants for drug are antagonists of these opioids and will negate the effects on the brain. They eliminate the process of being “High.” For example, implants like Naltrexone eliminate the ability to get high.

Naltrexone, for example, will take over the brain’s receptor and bind to the Opioids. In other words, it takes over the receptors in the brain and stops the opioids from binding to the brain’s receptors. Since the opioid doesn’t bind to the brain’s receptors, these feelings are eliminated.

Furthermore, the beautiful thing about this drug -Naltrexone- is that it is effective against overdose, and you can use it in acute overdose attacks. For this reason, people (paramedics) often carry shots of this medication with them in case of emergencies like an overdosed driver in a car accident.

How are implants administered?

Generally, your doctor will administer this implant under your skin through a minor surgical procedure. For example, your doctor might administer the implant under the skin of your abdomen where there is fat. Some others may be in the muscles ─ the shoulder being an example- while others may be in the thighs.

Before administering these implants, your preferred body part for the process will be numb by your surgeon (using local anesthesia) before the surgeon administers the drug implant. Furthermore, they will make a small incision on your skin’s surface and inject the implant under your skin with a syringe. The incised skin is then closed and properly sutured and bandaged. This whole process takes less than 30 minutes in all.

Are drug implants safe for use?

Generally, implants for drug are safe for use. However, just like any medical procedure, many complications may arise. Although, these complications may arise from the negligence of the medical personnel or the variations in humans. Make sure you ask your doctor about the possible complications you may face. On your side, consider your doctor your confidant and relate with them if you have a history of some medical conditions. This will make it a win-win situation.

There may be a few guidelines you should know about if you’re considering an implant for yourself or someone close to you.

Firstly, receiving this implant close to Opioid use is not advisable. It is strongly recommended that you stay opioid-free for about ten days before getting this implant. Failure to follow this guideline above may lead to an acute withdrawal syndrome.

Furthermore, there may be the possibility of overdosing on drugs while on the implant. Here’s why; the implants eliminate this addiction by antagonizing these opioids. But excessive use of opioids overwhelms the implants and overrides their actions in the nervous system.

Drug abuse and overdose can lead to respiratory arrests, circulatory collapse, and even death. Also, some implants are not suitable for adolescents and children. Treating adolescents and teenagers who use drugs is a pertinent issue. Treating teenagers and adolescents with some implants can be dangerous.

Risk and consequences of using Implants

Generally, implants for drug cure Opioid disorder and alcohol dependency. But as you read earlier, they are associated with some complications. Most complications are local and not systemic. This means that most reactions are at the site of the implant and not generally on the body system.

Some of them are:


Like any surgical procedure, patients usually feel pain at the site where these Implants are applied. That’s why medical practitioners use local anesthesia to numb the area. But some little pain can linger during and after the procedure. Doctors will use pain medications after these procedures to help you manage the pain.


Wound infection is any surgical procedure’s most common side effect. The incision healing site can be infected if not properly cleaned and bandaged. This infection comes with symptoms like fever, chills, and rigor. Sometimes patients vomit if it gets terrible.


The area where the implant is applied can swell. The swollen area is usually due to increased blood circulation and inflammation. All these might be signs of healing or inflammation going on. Inform your doctor of these changes.


Some patients may experience irritation after getting implants in their bodies. Sometimes, this may lead to itchiness. An itchy surface may cause very severe skin ulceration and wounds.


Implants antagonize the effects of opioids. The feel-good effect gradually wears off after the implants, aiding your return to normal. However, there may be a possibility you will start experiencing depression as your body is conversant with the familiar feeling of drug usage. Sometimes, you may fall easily into the trap of depression. It could contribute to a more dangerous illness if not dealt with carefully.

However, one way to overcome this depression is to pick up new hobbies. They could be football, basketball, or some video games.

Finally, family and friends should stick around during these periods (about 6 – 12 months after the implant) to get you out of the depression hole.


Accompanying pain and irritation is slight or sometimes intense headaches. This is just another word for pain in the brain or nervous system. Pain medications and adequate rest can take care of this too.

Other side effects are nausea, constipation, and toothache. It is worth noting that drug addicts can still overdose when they’re on implants.


Finally, Implants are advancements recently made in medicine to conquer drug addiction and its devastating consequences on our population. The FDA recently approved implants for drug, and research is going on to improve their effects. There are still some drug implants, such as naltrexone, that your doctor can use for addiction treatment.