Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplantation saves lives by transferring a healthy kidney from a donor to a recipient with kidney failure, offering a lifeline when dialysis is insufficient. Compatibility and post-operative care are crucial for success.

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    In Turkey, kidney transplantation is offered for chronic kidney failure.
    The commercial trade in human organs is prohibited by law in Turkey.

    At Istanbul Med Assist, we mediate kidney transplantation procedures from live donors for patients from abroad. Leading doctors we work with in their field who use state-of-the-art equipment will perform the best transplantation procedure that medicine can provide. While carrying out kidney transplantation, planning the patient’s diet and transportation is as important as the medical team and equipment.

    We'll be able to cover your needs and plan the process while contacting you to execute the procedure tailored to your healthcare requirements.

    Istanbul Med Assist creates an exceptional opportunity for those needing kidney transplantation. Procedures are cost-effective and reliable, ensuring a favourable outcome. We hope you'll be happy to find you the best possible care.

    When a person suffers from kidney failure, patients are offered two options: dialysis or transplantation. In this respect, transplantation has excellent advantages over dialysis. The procedure can spare you from a lengthy dependence on a dialysis machine and the strict regime that comes with it. When performed successfully, your life will return to normal without restrictions, including eating and drinking. You will be living an active life just like before.

    During kidney transplantation, doctors will:

    • Apply general anesthesia
    • Place the healthy kidney from a living donor into your lower abdomen
    • Attach the blood vessels of the new kidney to blood vessels in the lower part of your abdomen
    • Connect the new kidney’s urine tube to your bladder
    Guiding your treatment with expertise and cutting-edge technology, we provide you with a top notch patient experience from arrival to departure.
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    Authorized by the Ministry of Health and Tourism in Turkey

    Istanbul Med Assist is a member of MeritGrup company.
    Istanbul Med Assist is a member of MeritGrup company.