More about
Istanbul Med Assist

As Istanbul Med Assist, we provide high-quality medical service, patient safety and affordable healthcare for people all over the world. Istanbul Med Assist is committed to ensuring distance and language are not obstacles to receiving first-class care and to helping patients find the appropriate department and specialists for them.
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Care beyond borders

Specialist doctors meticulously evaluate your condition and determine the most appropriate treatment. During the treatment, your individual needs are paramount. We have a multidisciplinary approach to maximize your health. Advanced medical technology and knowledge make the treatment process more effective. Experts will answer your questions throughout the treatment and make the necessary arrangements when needed.

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Access our consultants 24/7

Our work requires extreme attention to detail and urgency to promptly complete the job. With our health tourism services, we are with you whenever you need us. Our team of experts is available 24/7 to offer you the best treatment options and support you every step of the way. You can contact us anytime for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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VIP check-up

VIP check-up is a comprehensive health screening program designed to evaluate individuals' health status in detail. It aims to detect potential health problems early with tests and examinations explicitly planned for you. VIP check-up programs usually include comprehensive blood tests, imaging methods, cardiological evaluations, and assessments in other areas of expertise. In addition, doctors examine patients by considering their health history and lifestyle. VIP check-up service takes place in a comfortable environment, without wasting time, and with a high level of care.

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Istanbul makes you feel better

Health tourism is developing rapidly. It benefits both you, who can access quality health services at affordable costs, and the countries that provide them. Highly qualified doctors, modern medical facilities, and cultural experiences further enhance health tourism's appeal. You receive treatment and can explore the ancient city of Istanbul, making it a valuable experience.

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Who we are?

As Istanbul Med Assist, we provide high-quality medical service, patient safety and affordable healthcare for people all over the world. Istanbul Med Assist is a group company of Merit Grup which has extensive worldwide investments in various sectors. Istanbul Med Assist is committed to ensuring distance and language are not obstacles to receiving first-class care and to helping patients find the appropriate department and specialists for them.

Authorized by the Ministry of Health and Tourism in Turkey

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Istanbul Med Assist is a member of MeritGrup company.
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Istanbul Med Assist is a member of MeritGrup company.