Gastric Sleeve in Turkey

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    When it comes to obesity surgery, most of us think of gastric sleeve surgery first. It is a very effective method to eliminate excess weight that people cannot cope with. Therefore, people with obesity problems frequently prefer the procedure.

    Obesity is a chronic disease that is increasingly common today. The definition of obesity is excessive fat accumulation in the body. It reduces the quality of life and creates serious health problems. Diseases such as fatty liver, respiratory distress, and diabetes can emerge because of obesity. Also, it brings serious ailments such as sleep apnea, paralysis, insulin resistance, and gallbladder diseases. Lastly, people may experience social anxiety, leading to severe psychological problems.

     Usually, patients try different ways before deciding to have obesity surgery, such as physical activities, diet therapy, and medical treatments. However, these methods generally do not work in patients who are severely obese. At this point, obesity surgeries may be their only option, and the results are generally positive for patients. The most common surgical method is the gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy).

    Welcome to Istanbul Med Assist! We're here to support you in overcoming obesity through gastric sleeve surgery. Feel free to reach out to us for any questions or concerns.

    Why is it done?

    The purpose of obesity surgery is to help overcome your problems with obesity and enable you to lose weight permanently.

    Like many surgeries, there are conditions for this operation. Not everyone with weight problems can benefit from this type of bariatric surgery. Gastric Sleeve suits people with a body mass index of 40 and above.

    Moreover, prevent future health problems with gastric sleeve. You can overcome severe eating disorders, contraindications, and the weight that threatens your health.

    You can lose 40-100 kilos with a gastric sleeve. Thus, your health will improve, and the risk of cardiovascular disease will decrease. Any joint issues will improve too.

    The success rate of gastric sleeve surgery is between 75 and 80%.

    How do you prepare?

    Firstly, doctors perform various laboratory tests to understand your suitability for a gastric sleeve. You will probably need to change your diet and exercise habits before surgery. Having a physical activity habit will be helpful during your recovery. Quitting any tobacco products is essential for you to heal fully. Furthermore, you must be psychologically prepared for the operation because you must make significant lifestyle changes and show self-discipline during recovery.

    What can you expect?

    After this bariatric surgery, you can expect to lose 60-70% of the excess weight. Since your stomach capacity reduces by 1/3 with a gastric sleeve, you will begin to lose weight rapidly. You will start to eat much less than before and feel full most of the time.

    Before gastric sleeve

    There is a long process that requires your patience before gastric sleeve. You get ECG, PFT, and whole blood tests. In addition, they need tests such as chest radiography, detailed endoscopy, and lower abdominal ultrasound. You will also have a respiratory test and endocrinology consultation.

    Doctors give you a diet program that you must follow for your good. The purpose of this is to reduce the volume of fat in your stomach. Following the diet relieve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As a result, the procedure becomes easier for you and your doctor.

    Lastly, you must quit drinking alcohol and smoking 6 months before surgery.

    During gastric sleeve

    Doctors apply general anesthesia for gastric sleeve and perform the surgery with the laparoscopic (closed) method.

    They enter your stomach through a single or 4-to-5 hole to perform the surgery. An experienced surgeon can easily perform the procedure by watching on the monitor.

    Then, the surgeon removes 80% of the large and curved part of your stomach with the help of staples. After the stomach removal, they control the bleeding that may occur. They inflate your abdomen by using special dyes and check whether there is a leak. Finally, they take out the tube and place the drainage system.

    Gastric sleeve takes about 1 hour.

    After gastric sleeve

    The specialists will monitor you closely after surgery. During the first few months, you'll need various medical check-ups. The most important thing is to ensure that you do not regain weight.

    At this point, you should be able to control your appetite. Please follow your nutrition program under your doctor's supervision. Dieticians recommend a liquid diet after surgery. You can switch to solid foods after a few weeks. Avoid foods containing caffeine and sugar, and drink plenty of water. Also, quit smoking and alcohol for six months and eat protein-rich foods. They will give you various vitamins and mineral supplements and recommend eating slowly and chewing more.

    You will get on your feet and start walking on the first day. You can stay in the hospital for 2-3 days after the operation. Minor wounds in your abdomen disappear in a few months. Due to rapid weight loss, changes in your appearance will occur, such as sagging in the groin and upper arms and folding of the skin. You can visit a plastic surgeon 12-24 months after the surgery. If you want a baby, you should wait one year after surgery.

    The results

    There are certainly impressive results of gastric sleeve that can save your life:

    • Losing approximately 60-70% of your excess weight
    • Feeling full most of the time
    • Eating less food because of the smaller stomach
    • Low appetite hormone
    • Fewer vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the long term
    • Radical improvement in your health problems
    • Some diseases may go away permanently
    • Snoring and joint pain goes away
    • Better freedom of movement

    What Are the Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

    Gastric sleeve is up to 60-70% successful procedure for obese people, which helps to regain the desired weight. As with all other surgeries, there are risks with this procedure.

    The operation takes about 1 hour. The mortality rate is 1 in 1,000. Complications due to narrowing of the stomach and gastric rupture are also considered a risk.

    Complaints such as gallstones and reflux also occur similarly. Infection, bleeding, lung or breathing problems can occur in connection with a surgical procedure.

    Bleeding at a rate of 1-2% was observed during gastric sleeve surgery. However, it is easy to control.

    The risk of death from this procedure is the same as that from gallbladder surgery. The age and weight of the patient play a significant role in risk ratios. In addition, if the patient's diet is ignored, regaining the lost weight is only a matter of time. The patient must strictly adhere to the recommended diet. Otherwise, the whole procedure may have failed.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass
    Gastric sleeve surgery entails removing a portion of the stomach to create a smaller stomach pouch, restricting the amount of food a person can eat and promoting weight loss. On the other hand, gastric bypass surgery involves creating a small stomach pouch and rerouting the small intestine to reduce both food intake and nutrient absorption. Both procedures are effective for weight loss, but they differ in their mechanisms of action.
    2Gastric Sleeve and Pregnancy
    Pregnancy after gastric sleeve surgery is generally safe, but women are advised to wait 12 to 18 months after surgery before attempting pregnancy. This waiting period allows for weight stabilization and nutritional optimization, reducing the risks associated with pregnancy. Adequate prenatal care and monitoring are crucial to ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby.
    3Is gastric sleeve surgery reversible?
    Unlike some other weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass, gastric sleeve surgery is not reversible because a portion of the stomach is permanently removed. It's considered a permanent alteration to the digestive system.
    4How much weight can I expect to lose after gastric sleeve surgery?
    Weight loss varies from person to person but generally ranges from 50% to 70% of excess body weight within the first two years after surgery.
    5What is the recovery process like after gastric sleeve surgery?
    Recovery from gastric sleeve surgery typically involves staying in the hospital for a day or two, followed by a gradual transition to a liquid diet and then solid foods over several weeks. Patients are advised to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen to support weight loss and avoid complications.
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