Pacemaker For Heart

A pacemaker is a small device implanted under the skin, usually near the collarbone, to help control abnormal heart rhythms. 

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    What is a pacemaker?

    A pacemaker is a small medical device implanted under the skin, consisting of a generator containing the battery and electronic circuits, along with leads, which are insulated wires connecting the generator to the heart muscle. It serves to regulate the heartbeat by sending electrical impulses to stimulate the heart muscle.

    Why is a pacemaker applied?

    Pacemakers are applied to regulate the heartbeat, particularly in conditions like bradycardia or heart block, where the heart's natural rhythm is disrupted.

    The purpose is to improve the patient's quality of life by preventing symptoms such as fainting, dizziness, and shortness of breath associated with irregular heart rhythms while reducing the risk of complications related to these conditions.

    What are the indications for permanent pacemaker?

    The main indications for a pacemaker include the following:

    - Large pauses between heartbeats

    - Sick sinus syndrome

    - Hypersensitivity carotid sinus syndrome

    - Heart rate during exercise is less than 40 beats per minute

    - ECG asystole at 3 seconds

    - Symptomatic atrioventricular II-III degree blocks

    - Permanent atrioventricular II-III blocks after myocardial infarction

    - Severe bradycardia

    - Complete heart block

    - Severe heart failure

    - Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)

    How is a pacemaker applied?

    The device is implanted in the left subclavian area, and electrodes are passed into the heart chambers through the subclavian vein. After wearing a heart rate stimulator, a person's life changes. Although there are some restrictions, it allows for a good quality of life.

    The application of a pacemaker involves several steps:

    1. Preparation: The patient is given a sedative and local anaesthetic.
    2. Incision: A small incision is made in the chest or abdomen.
    3. Lead placement: Leads are threaded through blood vessels into the heart and attached to specific locations.
    4. Generator placement: The generator is implanted under the skin, usually near the collarbone, and connected to the leads.
    5. Testing: The pacemaker is tested to ensure proper function.
    6. Closure: The incision is closed with stitches or staples.

    What are the different battery applications?

    There are several applications of batteries in medical devices.

    Some of the most common ones are: 

     1. Biventricular pacemaker: 

    This type of pacemaker is designed to treat heart failure, and it's also known as cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). It helps to improve the pumping efficiency of the heart and reduce symptoms related to heart failure. These batteries are placed on the chest wall in a similar way to other pacemakers. However, doctors only recommend these batteries in certain cases of heart failure where the patient can benefit from this treatment. 

     2. Shocking batteries (AICD): 

    These batteries are used to detect life-threatening rhythm disturbances and terminate them by giving special warnings or shocks. They are typically used for patients who are at high risk of fatal rhythm disorders. There are also types of AICD batteries that are combined with a pacemaker, which is used in heart failure (CRT-D). 

     3. Newly developed pacemakers: 

    There are now wireless pacemakers that can be placed directly into the heart via a catheter procedure. Also, there are leadless batteries, which have been studied for a long time and have been successfully used in humans.

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    Authorized by the Ministry of Health and Tourism in Turkey

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